Mirtalipova Mokhizoda

Mirtolipova Mokhizoda Abdusattorovna

Mirtolipova Mokhizoda Abdusattorovna Assistant of the Department of Histology and Medical Biology of the Tashkent Medical Academy.

Mirtolipova Mokhizoda Abdusattorovna completed her master’s degree in medical genetics in 2013 and started working as an assistant at the Department of Histology and Medical Biology of the Tashkent Medical Academy.

She constantly works on improving the pedagogical skill. She is demanding, strict, diligent, conscientious. On practical zanatiyah uses new pedagogical tehnologii.Krome pedagogical activity takes an active part in the social life of the department.

She is responsible for the academic work on the medical-preventive faculty and on the affairs of the “Spiritual and moral education“.

At this time, M.A. Myrtolipova is working on the experimental part of her future doctoral dissertation. She publishes articles and theses. M.A. Myrtolipovaya is the curator and mentor of the students of the first year of the medical faculty.